
This collection includes jewelry that has been created as a result of experimentation. Materials are transformed, thoughts are combined, and forms are tested based on inspiration. Imagination and artistic quality are instruments in our hands with common point the experimentation.


Jewelry Type: Cufflinks
Year: 2018
Materials: Black Plated Silver, Rubies, Mixed Techniques.

Handmade cufflinks. Irregular triangles braided together resembling a three-dimensional illustration of cutting stone into metal pattern.

Upside Down

Jewelry Type: Ring
Year: 2014
Materials: Black Plated Silver, Green Uwarowith, Mixed techniques.
Wax experimentation. The inspiration of this ring comes from a sailboat keel, while we observe it underwater.

Harmony Combination

Jewelry Type: Ring
Year: 2015
Materials: Black Plated Silver, Sapphires.
Wax experimentation. The inspiration came from the Sydney Opera House architecture combination with the and the shape of the “Bird of Paradise” plant. Architectural designs and nature are harmoniously combined in a unique way in this sculpture-ring.


Jewelry Type: Brooch

Year: 2013
Materials: Paper, Silver, Mixed techniques.

Experimenting on paper. An extremely light material is transformed, giving unlimited movement and freedom to the final result.


Jewelry Type: Necklace

Year: 2015
Materials: Oxydized Silver, Paper, Linen, Mixed techniques.

Expression of the fine and delicate texture of white color through another visual representation of purity. The balance comes from the metal following the lines of the paper.


Jewelry Type: Brooch

Year: 2015
Materials: Iolite, Black Plated Silver.

A brooch inspired by the water bubbles play.


Jewelry Type: Necklace

Year: 2018
Materials: Oxidized Silver, Fruit seeds, Nails, Nutmeg, Resin, Water Colors.

Can an insect become a jewel? The particularity of insects often makes them disgusting and frightening to our eyes. But is that so or is it a mind game?